Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Why I Am Raising Runners

The bombing of the Boston Marathon has left me shattered.  As a runner, as a mother and as a former citizen of the City of Boston, it has devastated me.  Today I woke up and thought it was time to stop dwelling and crying, it was time to refocus my energy on being a better person and making the world a better place.

This morning, I looked at my children, who were still sleeping, and assembled their Red Sox caps and running shoes.  Today we would run together.  We will run for those who lost their lives, those who lost their limbs and those who lost friends and family.  That is what runners do, we run for ourselves and we run for those who cannot.

Children love to run, it is innate.  Running is a celebration of life and a joyous expression for children.  It is something that should be encouraged and nurtured.  My two children having been runners since they learned how to walk, I needed to become a runner just to keep up with them.

Within the past year they have run three fun runs.  They received medals, t-shirts and tons of swag.  What they really received was confidence, community and self-reliance.  I don't know if they will ever win a race or compete on an elite level, but I do know that running makes them happy and hopefully will remain a life-long habit.  That is why I am raising them to be runners.

The next time your kid is running around the house and driving you crazy.  Put the sneakers on and head outside, let them run and run and run.  I guarantee they will come back to you calm and happy because that is what running does.

Who is going to lace up today?  You can run, walk or skip...just get out there.

1 comment:

  1. Running together with your kids is really healthy and fun! This time, you're not just running for health and fun but also for a great cause! Keep on running!
