Monday, April 1, 2013

Finding My Fitness Mojo

First, I am neither a trained or licensed personal trainer, coach or physician.  Any statements made in this blog are my opinion based on my understanding of fitness and nutrition.  I make every attempt to inform my opinions on proven fact, but even sometimes I am wrong.  I can only tell you what I know from personal experience, some of it may be helpful to you and some will not.  I leave it to you, esteemed reader, to determine the usefulness of the information provided.

I am the mother of two children, that are 22 months apart.  For a span of almost four years I was in a cycle of being pregnant or nursing.  During that time I enjoyed my pregnancies and gave my self permission to lose the baby weight at my leisure.  After my first pregnancy the weight fell off, I followed Weight Watchers, nursed and walked  3 or 4 miles a day.

After my second pregnancy the weight didn't come off so easy,  I resorted to inhaling sugar to manage the demands of mothering a 2 year old and a newborn baby.  In addition I also moved across the country and was tasked with creating a new life for myself and my children.  We moved to sunny California which isn't too bad, but no friends and no extended family and two children under 3 is  daunting. I started to walk with my kids to the park but it wasn't enough of a cardio kick to lose the last 15 or so pounds from my last pregnancy.

I turned to Amazon and found Pure Barre DVDs and started doing them a couple times a week.  I immediately felt a little tighter and started to regain a little confidence. I still had enough jiggle that 40 minutes of toning was not going to cut it.  So I turned to the Jeff Galloway 5K app that I had downloaded maybe a year before and decided that I was going to start running.  I needed something quick and fast and with limited time available to work out, I figured running was the key.

When I started I had no intention of enjoying running.  I slowly built up my running intervals and in a few months could run 3 miles.  As a reward, I signed up for a 5K for Mother's Day.  My husband and children woke up early and drove me to the race, they cheered for me on the course and I was able to cross the finish line running with my then 3 year old daughter.  It is one of the best experiences as a mother I have felt.

After the race, I intended to move onto another form of exercise but I was hooked.  I enjoyed my runs and the calm that fell over me after I ran and this is how I found my fitness mojo. Have you found your fitness mojo yet?

1 comment:

  1. I’m glad that you found your fitness mojo through running. Why don’t you also try signing up for a fitness training program? This could tremendously help you to get back the normal weight of your body and to keep you fit always. To make it more exciting for you, you can also encourage your husband and your kids to join. There are fitness programs that will suit your kids and husband's capacity. ->CrossFit
